End of an era reminds us of the importance of relationships within HP sport
/End of regular NFL and College Football seasons in America has seen the end of an era with 3 very senior, highly successful coaches calling time on their current careers with their respective teams. Their comments made me reflect and write this article looking at the importance of effective relationships between coach and athlete, drawing upon ideas from sport specific research and personal experiences.
As many sports start a new season with the turn of the calendar year, we should take some time to reflect and build our interpersonal skills to allow us to take time in future to better know and understand our athletes to gain a holistic view of involved players. The art of coaching is knowing how and when to communicate to build on our relationships, and how this varies from individual. Work on empathetic and meaningful relationships by having a better understanding of your athletes or players as this will allow you to modify your environment or approaches for greater impact and understanding. Know your players, know their story, know their context and then put it into practice….
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